Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs - Using Our Content

Yes! You may publish content as is—or edit it to meet your needs. Please retain brand references whenever possible, give credit to the sponsor and provide us with a tear sheet or online placement. Should you choose to edit an article, please include some form of attribution to the sponsor. For example, you could include, "recipes courtesy of Nestlé Toll House Morsels," or "visit for more recipe ideas."

Photos may be used only in conjunction with the content provided. They may not be used independent of the content and should include appropriate attribution such as “Photo courtesy of (Sponsor/Getty).

We encourage you to localize content by adding local sources, photos and information. Consider these tips:

  • Use the copy we provide as an "idea starter" and rework to include quotes from local businesses and experts.
  • Substitute the provided photos with your own images depicting local residents.
  • Incorporate related local stories as part of the page. If appropriate, add your city's name into the headline or main copy (e.g., rather than "Host a Cooking Club" revise slightly to "Host a Cooking Club in Kansas City").
  • Include information on local festivals, contests and other community events that correspond to the theme of the feature/article.
  • Modify the layout to make room for advertising from relevant local retailers. For example, pair a food page with an ad from a local grocer.
  • Please retain brand references whenever possible, give credit to the sponsor and provide us with a tear sheet or online placement.


Please contact us at or call (888) 824.3337.
