Ensuring Publishing's Future

AFCP Rising StarsRecently, I had the pleasure of attending the Association of Free Community Publications (AFCP) Conference and Trade Show in Las Vegas on behalf of Family Features. AFCP represents publishers of free community newspapers and magazines from coast-to-coast, reaching millions of homes on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.

Attending this conference was a real eye-opener, and a positive one at that. It closely resembled the excitement affiliated with a high school or college reunion with a unique sense of family, friendship and connections.

One might think this would consist of worn-out newspaper men and women trying to save their publications from demise. This was not the case, however.

Senior Publications – Alive and Well, and Reaching a Growing Demographic

SeniorsReadingEvery day, more members of the Baby Boomer generation turn 65 years old. By 2030, Census.gov projects there will be more than 70 million people in the U.S. age 65 or older. Because of its rapid growth, the senior demographic has become a strong, thriving market with expendable income.

Recently, the North American Mature Publishers Association (NAMPA) held its annual conference in Orlando, Florida. NAMPA members publish nearly 100 publications with a combined circulation of more than 4 million. Of these member publications, 23 were represented at the conference to exchange ideas with other publishing leaders.

Cause for Optimism for Small-Market Newspapers

Cause for Optimism for Small-Market NewspapersA recent study by the Columbia University School of Journalism revealed that small-market newspapers (circulations below 50,000) have displayed notable resilience thanks in part to exclusive content not offered anywhere else, the dynamics of ultra-local advertising markets, and an ability to leverage a physical closeness to their audience.

According to “Editor & Publisher,” there are 7,071 newspapers in the United States; 6,851 (97 percent) are considered small market. The small-market papers assist in voting decisions, continue to foster community identity and solidarity, and – as often the case with small-town newspapers – act as community champions.